12/31 (Friday) 6:00-9:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Quartet
Inigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Junichiro Mataga (P) Akihiro Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
12/26 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Noah MacNeil (P) Yoshiki Yamada (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
12/18 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Quartet
Geoff Burke (Sax) Toru Dodo (P) Akihiro Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
12/11 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Christopher Gordon Forbes (P) Yoshiki Yamada (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
12/4 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Quartet
Geoff Burke (Sax) John Colonna (P) Kenji Tokunaga (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
12/2 (Thursday) 9:00-10:45pm
Ayumi Ishito (Sax) Jochem Van Dijik (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
675 Central Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207
11/28 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Noah MacNeil (P) Yoshiki Yamada (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
11/20 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Geoff Burke (Sax) Kenji Yoshitake (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
11/13 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Quartet
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Christopher Gordon Forbes (P) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
11/6 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Kenji Tokunaga (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
10/31 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Noah MacNeil (P) Yoshiki Yamada (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
Saturday Jazz Nights at M Social Hotel
October 2, 9, 16 and 23
Free admission

Geoff Burke (Sax) John Colonna (P) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Zac Zinger (Sax) John Colonna (P) Kenji Yoshitake (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Geoff Burke (Sax) John Colonna (P) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Geoff Burke (Sax) John Colonna (P) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
M Social Hotel Times Square New York
226 W 57th Street, New York, NY, 10019, United States

Click here for more details
10/3 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (Guitar) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
10/24 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Christopher Gordon Forbes (P) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
10/25 (Monday) 7:00pm-7:45pm
As part of Bushwick Improvised Music Series
Inigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) John Murchison (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Downstairs @ Bushwick Public House
1288 Mytle Avenue, Bushwick, NY 11221
9/25 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Christopher Gordon Forbes (P) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
9/19 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras Trio
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
9/11 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Yoshiki Yamada (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
8/28 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Christopher Gordon Forbes (P) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
8/21 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (Guitar) Kenji Tokunaga (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
8/15 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras Trio
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Evan Crane (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
8/7 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Anthony Coleman (P) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
8/3(Tuesday) 8:00-9:00pm
Megumi Yonezawa/Ken Kobayashi/Evan Crane
Megumi Yonezawa (P) Evan Crane(B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Soapbox Gallery
636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11238, United States
Visit Venue’s website for more details
7/24 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
7/18 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (Guitar) Kenji Tokunaga (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
7/11 (Sunday) 9:00-11:00pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Zac Zinger (Sax) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
7/3 (Saturday) 6:00-9:30pm
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras Trio
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Sean Conly (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
6/27 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Geoff Burke (Sax) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
6/19 (Saturday) 10:00pm-12:30am
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (P) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
6/13 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (G) Evan Crane (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
5/29 (Saturday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
5/16 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Geoff Burke (Sax) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
5/2 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras Trio
Íñigo Galdeano Lasheras (Sax) Peter Slavov (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
4/17 (Saturday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
4/4 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Geoff Burke (Sax) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
3/28 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Aki Yamamoto Trio
Aki Yamamoto (B) Jeff Miles (G) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
3/14 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (G) Evan Crane (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
2/27 (Saturday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
1/31 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Geoff Burke (Sax) Aki Yamamoto (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
1/16 (Saturday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
John Colonna (G) Shin Sakaino (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254
1/3 (Sunday) 6:30-9:30pm
Ken Kobayashi Trio
Jeff Miles (G) Evan Crane (B) Ken Kobayashi (Dr)
Tomi Jazz Outdoor Space
239 E. 53rd (bet 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10022 Tel:646-497-1254